PLATE SPINNING ACT Plate Spinning Act Juggling Comedy Plate Spinner David Burlet

Plate Spinning Act Variety Act Juggler Künstler Artisten Circus Performer Entertainer Juggling Comedy Juggler David Burlet


  A juggler and comic coming from the great dynasty of the circus.

  David is a multi-faceted artist travelling the world using his humour and talent to amaze his audience.

  His comedy is produced through his stylized costumes, music and humourous topic as well as excellent delivery and communication with the audience.

  David, in is extraordinary act, can juggle plates, glasses and small spoons where every second seems like it could all go wrong, with hilarious results !

The plate spinning performance has been porferming by chineses troups for years. David Burlet is presenting it in a different way.

From a Circus Familly Franconi, he has been performing over the world on cruise ships, varieties and on tv shows such as “Le plus grand cabaret du monde” in France, “Circo Massimo” and “The Slammer”.

 Baseball Juggler | Juggling Piano | Boboss the clown | Circus Franconi

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